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We will refund 5 times the price of any spoilt food products or 50% of the hamper value. This guarantee is valid for food hampers delivered within Singapore.
You can also be assured of prompt delivery (within 3 working days for standard hampers and 4 working days for specially-packed hampers) from the date of order confirmation.
We will provide free replacements for feedbacks received before 5.00pm (weekdays) or 12.00pm (Saturdays) on the day of delivery.
This guarantee applies to feedback received within 12 working hours from receipt of flowers and fruits, and 48 working hours for non-perishable gifts. Refunds for non-perishable items will be made at the discretion of the management.
Failing which, a cancellation fee of 50% of the selling price is chargeable. Full purchase amount will apply if the order has been delivered. Refunds will be processed and completed between 3 to 4 working weeks approximately.
Simply contact us through any of our platforms and we will do our best to assist you.
Alternatively, you can fill up our Enquiry Form on our website!
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